In A3 Problem-Solving, the “Target Condition” refers to the desired state or goal you want to achieve by addressing the problem.
The Target Condition is a goal statement that is a reference point throughout the A3 Problem-Solving process. It provides a clear direction and leads to focusing efforts on achieving the desired outcome.
For that purpose, here are the critical points to consider:
- Alignment with organizational goals: Suppose an organization produces five different software and seeks to reach one million users by the end of the year. In problem-solving regarding one of the software, we may target three hundred users.
- Clarity, measurability, and observability: The target condition should leave no room for interpretation or confusion. It should also be easy to collect, observe, and track as data.
- Achievability: Start with a value people can reach. The Target Condition should be realistic and achievable within the given constraints and resources while challenging enough to drive improvement. It is better to improve step by step than set a target that is too high initially.
- Time-related: It is a best practice to include a time frame or deadline to achieve the target condition. It could be a production rhythm, like delivering a precise number of software libraries per week.
One critical step in identifying a problem is clearly and explicitly describing what the future state should look like after you resolve the problem.